
Everything you need to know about Traveling during Coronavirus

By March 28, 2020 No Comments
Traveling during Coronavirus

The spreading power of COVID-19 already caused big changes in the travel market. Most countries are actually closing borders, and that includes international flights, cruises, and trains traveling during Coronavirus.

Do I need to cancel my travel plans?

The world health organization is recommending that if you are at the risk zone: above 60 years, or have chronic diseases as diabetes, you should not travel anywhere where the COVID-19 is already spreading.  

Clicking here you can check the list that is daily updated with the countries in danger, that currently includes China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. European countries on the list are Italy, France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, and Romania. Three countries in the Middle East are listed – Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon.

In the Americas, the United States, Canada, and Ecuador have reported transmission of COVID-19 infections.

What are my options for Traveling during Coronavirus situation?

There is nothing wrong if you decide to travel. In fact, even with Travel Bans, governments are asking a citizen to travel back to their home country.

That said, you should also consider the risk and medical cover you would have on your destination country. Keep in mind that you may be caught on quarantine and have to stay where you are for a long period.

If nothing stopped you until now, this probably will: the company you bought your tickets from might cancel them. And for that, there is only one good solution: book your trips with a company that does not charge cancellations/changes fees.

Using trustable companies, even if your tickets are canceled, you can reschedule your trip with no fees or penalties.

And remember, if you are traveling during this crisis, take all the care you can: wash your hands all the time, use your protection mask if you need to get close to people and try your best to keep your hands away from your face.

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